Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is Man Immortal?

  Since time immemorial, human beings are considered mortals. Just like the birds that fly freely in fields and grasslands. Just like the wild animals that live in the jungle. Just like the camels that travelled with their masters in desert lands. Just like the school of fish that live in abundant on rivers, lakes and seas.

    The Holy Bible explicitly says that man came from dust and unto he shall return. This conclusively tells us that all men are mortals and destined to die. There is no exception to death for death is a part of the cycle of man. 

    Every living thing on earth when the right time comes will fade away and die. Just like the leaves of trees that slowly fall in autumn. Just like the fragrant and beautiful flowers in plains and mountains sides whose petals drop one by one.

    When the Lord Jesus Christ came to this world, 2000 years ago and lived among men. He gave hope to the human race. He redeemed our sins and promised us an everlasting life.

    Jesus Christ said in a verse in the Holy Bible, “I’m the way, the light and the truth and whoever believes in me will not die and perish but have everlasting life.

    There is no doubt that man is immortal. God created us in His own image with body and soul. The mortal body of man dies and turns into dust but the human soul continues to live indefinitely in the kingdom of God through eternity.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Man and his Destination

by: Roger M. Cabeltes

Man Begins his journey of life, the time he comes out from his mother's womb. His first cry tells us that he is bound to suffer for life on earth is a matter of survival and struggle.

As he continues in his journey of life God gives him, his free will, for him to choose between righteous and evil and between right or wrong. God also bestowed upon him the freedom of choice to what kind of life he deserves to live on earth and on the next live after death.

As he continues in his journey of life he will learn to appreciate the beauty of nature which God created for mankind. He will also appreciate the bounty of living in this world together with his love ones.

Life on earth is not always a bed of roses for life is a mixture of happiness and sadness, success and defeat, victory and failure. Man needs to adjust to his environment for this world is like the jungle whose law  is survival of the fittest and the elimination of the unfit.

As life goes on, he will be confronted to many temptations as the lord who was tempted by Satan for forty days and forty nights. God was able to resist temptation for He is God and not human being. Man can never resist temptation for he was created from dust and cloth with imperfection like the first woman who was created by God from the rib of a man and was tempted by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. That was the beginning of man’s disobedience to God and the beginnings of sins.

Human Limitations and human frailties makes Man to succumb to temptations such as the temptations for power, temptation of the flesh  and the temptation to acquire more wealth through elicit activities. The imperfection of man makes him a sinner with stain of sins. John the Baptist preached for the repentance of sins during his time. It is only through absolute repentance that a sinner can be purified.

The man ends his journey of life as the book of his life ends too. Before he died he was able to repent his sins and asked for God’s mercy and forgiveness.

As he entered heaven, the angels played their trumpets to welcome him. He now happily lives with God in his kingdom with the rest who have gone ahead of him, through eternity.